PAC Executive

NWSS Parent Advisory Committee

What is a PAC Executive?

Through their elected executives from parents in the school, PACs communicate with their parent community gathering and discussing issues of importance regarding their school in order to adequately advise those that influence their school.

The executive will include the chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, immediate past chair (if eligible), any number of members-at-large, representative to the District Parent Advisory Council, and such other members of the Council as the membership decides. 

Any voting member of the Council is eligible to serve on the executive, except employees or elected officials of School District No. 40 or the Ministry of Education. 

The executive will be elected at each annual general meeting in May, with a supplementary election in September. 


General PAC Email:

Chair: Francis Ribeiro

Vice Chair: Renee Mosi

Past Chair: Beth Ott

Secretary: Sloane Drennan

Treasurer: David Durning

DPAC Rep: Cyrus Cy

CPF Rep: Jaclyn Player

Dry Grad Rep: Heather Corbett

Members at Large: Sabrina Schardong, Garry Self, Karon Trenaman